This week Fast Girl Films attempted to place a targeted ad on Facebook directed toward (women interested in women over the age of 18). We submitted this promo photo (taken for Fast Girl Films by photographer Sophia Wallace) to accompany the ad copy and received the following response from Facebook:

Ad Disapproval Reason(s):
* The image of this ad is either irrelevant or inappropriate. Per sections 3 and 8 of Facebook’s Advertising Guidelines, the image on your ad should be relevant and appropriate to the item being advertised. Make sure your image is directly relevant to what you are advertising. Images that are overly explicit, provocative, or that reveal too much skin are not allowed. Images that may either degrade or idealize any health condition or body type are also not allowed. If you choose to submit this ad again, please use an appropriate image that adheres to all of Facebook’s Advertising Guidelines.
Now one doesn’t have too look very far on Facebook to see numerous ads that are much more provocative and show more skin (and idealized body images) than does this sexy, but tasteful photo. Give me a break! The war with Facebook has only just begun.